Welcome to the Arkansas Valley Ambulance District (AVAD). You’ll be able to look here for AVAD updates, important information, meeting minutes, financial reports and more. Come back soon!
Hi everyone! I’m in the process of restructuring / reorganizing the documents on this website so you may find a few things missing or out of place over the next couple of weeks. Thank you for bearing with me. If there is something specific that you are looking for and need right away, give me a ring and I’ll do my best to get it to you right away! Tom (tkainz@avad.care)
Resolution to Amend the 2021 Budget
At the beginning of the regular board meeting in March (March 18, 2022) the board will vote on a resolution to amend the 2021 budget.
AVAD Call For Nominations
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly, to the eligible electors of the Arkansas Valley Ambulance District (“District”) of Fremont County, Colorado.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the District will conduct a regular election on the 3rd day of
May, 2022, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, three (3) directors will be elected for a 3-year term expiring in May 2025.
Below are our more recent posts. Click the “Older Entries” link at the bottom of this section (if available) to visit the archives section. You can also use the menu above to visist specific areas of interest including previous meeting minutes and financial reports.
Resolution to Amend the 2021 Budget
At the beginning of the regular board meeting in March (March 18, 2022) the board will vote on a resolution to amend the 2021 budget.
Financial Report – December 2021
Our December tax receipts contained disbursements for the month of November in the amount of $3,741. Monthly income included $178 from patient billing receipts. Total income, year to date – $263,318, which is 105% of the projected annual budget.
Meeting Minutes of December 2021
Meeting called to order at 18:25. Volunteer signup sheet has been modified to include ride-along for new students.