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Board Meeting Minutes of December 2021

by Thomas Kainz | Jan 18, 2022

Arkansas Valley Ambulance District

Minutes of Board Meeting on December 20, 2021

Attending: Nicole Lewis, Andra Dalton, Tom Kainz, David Craft, Dave Van Nattan, Mark Roland’s, Lane Wilda, Jim Lemermeier.

Meeting called to order at 1825 Hours by Nicole. 

Minutes were presented and reviewed. David made motion to accept, Tom seconded. Vote to accept 4/0/1. 

Financial Report was presented by Tom. Board reviewed. Balance of all accounts is $436,274.

FreCom is on an auto-pay with the bank. Tom noted that fees have gone up yet again. He will follow up on this and find out why.

Andra motioned to accept, Dave seconded, vote take to accept 5/0.

Upcoming events: Grants! A new ambulance was discussed to be included along with radios (12). The timing of this Grant may make it workable at this time. Grant window closes Feb 15.

End of Challenge: in January a raffle prize will be presented to the winner. Prize has not been decided upon yet, maybe gift cards, maybe something else.

CPR class is on Jan 12, 6-10 PM at HVFD. Both valley fire departments have been invited at no cost to them.

Training roster has been modified. Also the Volunteer signup sheet has been modified to include Ride Alongs for new students. Also for new drivers (we have 5). Background checks are going to be required for all drivers and EMTs.

EMT class update: we will be piggy backing on PUC. Classes will be on Tue, Wed and Thursday from 6-10, starting Jan 18 at HVFD. There are some grants available to our students. As of this meeting the cost of this class has not been determined, due to grants and other financial concerns.

Our AEDs are here, along with Jump Bags. EMT will be able to have their own bag. Distribution will be at next training meeting.

Billing issues are still being worked on.

Expansion in Coaldale: planning continues. We are going to have the engineers design a second bay door, interior to include office, rest room and additional room (12×12).

Equipment: A2 needs a lock box for meds, Something with a changeable code in case of personnel changes.

Long range transports: the Board wishes to clarify our position on this issue. AVAD will NOT do long range transports. We are not able to be paid for these with current circumstances. It also puts our District at risk.

We are in need of new tires, some all season tires or snow tires were recommended.

Public comment: Fremont County has a care fund available to the county. It is big dollars available ($9M). We need to check this our.

Note: during this meeting, year end volunteer appreciations we’re issued to our active volunteers. Thank you so much for making AVAD what it is today, the best.


Meeting adjourned at 2053 hours.


Respective fully submitted,

Dave Van Nattan


Live long & prosper,
